Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Brayton's Birthday

This past Saturday was cousin Brayton's 3rd birthday party at Brandon & Michelle's place. And I didn't get ONE foto of the birthday boy!! Georgia and I went out there for the BBQ and cake. Michelle made the cake and did an awesome job decorating it with a Transformers theme. We got him a Nerf Blaster gun that shoots ping pong balls. But I was mad Tyler wouldn't let me open it after we gave it to him. I LOVE putting kids toys together! he is such a party pooper sometimes! ah ha! Brayton would have wanted me to open it for him... :) Then Daddy joined us at the party (Ty works on Saturdays until 5) and we played Rock Band. I was good though, I didn't hog the mic this time. I shared. Here's Gigi in her little party outfit. Tyler had a paper due and it was getting late, but I was being irresponsible and kept putting off leaving. Here is Tyler and GK saying "We have had enough!". I don't know who's expression I love more!!


At least I haven't lapsed the next Holiday... :)

Georgia was a black kitty cat.
Tagged Again

Where is your cell phone? no clue
Where is your significant other? couch
Your hair color? dark brown
Your mother? pateint
Your father? is missed
Your favorite thing? pillow talk
Your dream last night? dunno
Your dream/goal? pay off the pregnancy hospital bills
The room you’re in? dinning room
Your hobby? needlepoint
Your fear? walking in the dark
Where do you want to be in 6 years? back in California
Where were you last night? home
What you’re not? reserved
One of your wish-list items? brown shoes for GK!
Where you grew up? Oakland
The last thing you did? ate CocoPuffs
What are you wearing? PJ bottoms & t-shirt
Your pet? Chiquimula
Your computer? Dell & HP
Your mood? content
Your car? KIA Spectra sport & Corolla
Something you’re not wearing? matching clothes ah ha!
Favorite store? Gymboree & Macy's
Your summer? Hotter then HELL
Love someone? Ty & GK
Your favorite color? Orange
When is the last time you laughed? 1/2 hour ago
Last time you cried? last night

Monday, November 17, 2008

Our New President

So I am clicking around checking out the blog-0-sphere I'm noticing just about everyone has something about the election. Again, I will make an attempt to catch up. :) On November 4th Tyler and I with Georgia went to our polling place to vote for the 44th President. Tyler, GK, and I had our usual hour commute home from the East side of the Valley and we were hungry and tired and we just wanted to get in there mark up our ballots quick and get home. But as I grabbed the pen and went to mark my vote for President, it hit me. I wasn't just voting for the Democratic nominee because he was a democrat, I was voting for Barack Obama because I believed in him. I was voting for him because I wanted him to be our next President. I knew Arizona was going to go 'red', but I still wanted to vote and participate in the altering of our country. Come what may, it will be a different place, and I am very proud that we were apart of it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

even the title is a different color!

So I was on The McCarthy Family Happenings blog site published by my brother Mike and his wife Krista and I was thinking... you know? My blog site is pretty dull... I want a cute Blog site!! so I explored the vast add-ons and templates and skins... and this is what I've come up with. I love it! I found a bunch of other skins that I liked that I can't wait to use. As you can see I added a photo of GK from her recent photo shoot, too. I would love to do more, but I'm at work and I think this lunch hour has gone a little longer than usual...

Monday, November 10, 2008


We are really excited as Georgia isn't just smiling from GAS anymore! she is showing more emotion and reacting to things more now. This morning Tyler put her on our bed to change her diaper and I came in from the bathroom, and said a big happy, "Hello Georgia!" and she turned her head to me and started smiling and kicking her legs... I was suppose to be getting ready for work, but she was so awake and she was cooing and squealing, and I just couldn't pull myself away!! I couldn't help but compare her to the other babies at church yesterday, and man she is a calm baby! All the other kids were screaming, fussy, and crying. And then there was GK, just kicking back. I wonder if this is the calm before the storm. :) I just realized I didn't post any fotos from Halloween. I'll try and do that tonight.