Sunday, May 31, 2009


So next week I turn 30. 30. wow. I can't believe it. I really don't feel 30. I've been talking about it with my girlfriend Teresa at work- trying to plan my party- and she says to me, "Of course you don't feel 30, because you act like you are a teenager." To this, I laugh. This is true. She acts much more mature than me and she is 5 years younger. And I'm the one with a 9 month old! ahahahha! I love it, though. I'm over turning 30- I think growing older is awesome. I don't really see what the big deal is about your 'age'. 30 is the new 20 anyway, right? At least according to People magazine! :)

My faux hawk returned this weekend. My hair before was longer in the front kinda like a bob- but then spikey in the back... That was cute while I was at work, but then the minute I get home- I want EVERY hair out of my face. Pebble's ponytails on the top of my head, headbands... both together. It was stupid. That is why I don't grow my hair out anymore, because it was always in a ponytail, unless I was 'going out'. I'm married and Tyler thinks I'm hot no matter what. I must admit though, the girl who cut my hair did NOT know who to cut a faux hawk. I definitely have a BUTCH cut right now! ahahahahahah! And unfortunately, it's SO short, that there is no hair left to 'fix' to make it better. eek! I just have to let it grow out a tad. And where a lot more make-up. :) After she chopped it, I was afraid Georgia would react differently to Mommy-with-no-hair. But she didn't even flinch. She was just happy I was home from the salon.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Those first fotos were Georgia in her Easter dress. Now she is a pro at sitting up on her own. And then that is a pic of us at the March of Dimes March for Babies this year. We are with Angela and her boys. she is a friend from work. Georgie is in her stroller staying out of the sun. I headed our Campus fundraising this year. We raised over $600.00 with donations and with a Nacho Sale at work.

My Mom has been laying it on thick about us not putting up a recent post... so this month in a nutshell... we have been sick. Ty started catching a cold the first week and then Georgia got a runny nose and then I got a sore throat. Georgia got over her cold in just a few days but we continued to feel crappy. Tyler went to the doctor and tested positive for the flu- which for the doctor's office meant that he probably had the Swine flu. I went and got tested- but I was negative.So we had to quarantine him- Georgia and I packed up and went to Grandma's. he was able to go back to work the next week but then got a call at work- the very night he had gone back to work- that he didn't have the Swine flu, he had Whooping Cough. It's highly contagious and he was to immediately leave work and go home. during this time I had been going to work and I just couldn't kick this dry cough. well, I made an appointment for the next day and so did my mom. when I walked in the office- they put a mask on me. they swabbed my nose- horrible! and gave me a prescription. They told me not to go back to work until Monday- of course Tyler is at home too. so we are both quarantined now. Georgia is fine because she has had boosters for whooping cough - Mom was okay too, she had a tetanus shot a few weeks ago and that had whooping cough in it, too. Whooping cough? Come on! who gets WHOOPING COUGH! I thought that was one of those viruses that with vaccines- just didn't exist anymore! well- it does. And we got it from somewhere.

So April, Georgia has joined the ranks of crawlers. We have been able to corral her in our living room with our ottoman blocking the way to the rest of our apartment, except today she started figuring that out. she kept crawling over to the ottoman and pulling herself up and whimpering. She will do this while Ty and I are not in the living room with her. While we are in there with her she is content. OH! yeah and this past Monday Georgia pulled herself up all by herself! Now we just can't throw things up on the couch.

This morning, I also checked her gums and she has a 3rd tooth! So that is her two front bottom teeth and she just cut her top front left tooth. she is enjoying the new world of baby food with all the new tastes. the only thing she seems to really not care for is the Ham and Beef. I don't blame her. That is the one food I can't bare to taste.